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Frequent Flyer Card Cancellation

If you have completed the 90-day enrollment period, you may cancel your Frequent Flyer membership at any time by submitting the form below. Upon completion of this form, please return your Frequent Flyer card to the restaurant within 30 days to confirm cancellation is complete. Learn more details about the Frequent Flyer benefits, terms and conditions.

Cardholder Information:
Reason for Cancellation:
Cancellation Authorization:

I hereby request that the monthly Frequent Flyer payment of $20.17 which is drawn on my credit card listed below be ended. I understand that memberships must be cancelled at least 5 business days prior to the next monthly draft, and my membership benefits will end on the date the cancellation form is received.

*Please print/screenshot a copy of this cancellation form for your records, as Warehouse Tap Room cannot give refunds or credits unless you have proof of cancellation.